
My son has been through both the worse & tough times in his life when it comes to academics. He began struggling around 3rd grade. He quickly started falling behind. To the point he failed the 3rd grade. I felt like a bad parent & felt like I had a non-teachable child. I took all the necessary steps from teacher conferences and also going the length to reach out to the School Board. Long story short we tried different schools, different teachers and even classes. Then 1 day Calvin came and had a talk with me. He ensured that he’s ready to get in his right grade and ready for all the obstacles ahead. Fast forward ⏩ Got in contact with Jerry and he explained about his new school that he was starting. Very small but hands on, exactly what my son needed. Calvin started school and even started extra credit courses. I started to see all the potential the teachers never noticed before. The grades were always good from start to finish. I don’t believe he received anything less than a B. Unfortunately with life circumstances we did have to part ways but I’ve always recommended Jerry to anyone that has kids struggling in school. He drastically changed my son’s life within a few months of being a Rise Prep Academy student.
August 2018 our lives changed forever. My son Christian Dukes junior became the man of the house. He lost his father and a little over a month later he lost his baby brother, his only brother. With all the weight of the world now on his shoulders he still managed to push through. Being the man of the house meant that he had to make sure his three little sisters and mom were okay and complete school. He is one of the strongest young man I will ever know. He told me he had to keep going knowing that his father and brother were now watching over him from heaven. Christian became a senior that year and wanted to accomplish his goals. One goal was to make it to the the Blue-Gray all star game . He made it and was a big impact in the game and his team went on to win. With the help of Jerry Williamson in the Rise Preparatory Academy school he was able to finish high school with his high school diploma and he is now a freshman at Bethune Cookman College where he is doing very well. These past few years has not been easy for him but he never gave up. Mr. Williamson, I want to thank you for all you have done for him. In with God’s grace and mercy he will continue to achieve every goal he set in front of him he’s destined for greatness.
I would like to thank Rise Preparatory Academy for giving my son Derrick a second chance with graduating on time. After going over my son academics with Jerry Williamson we learned that my son had credits that were not accredited. Jerry gave him a detail plan and assured that if he followed it; he would be okay. Not only was my son okay; he had an option to graduate early. He graduated with a 3.5 GPA. My son was accepted to MDC, SSU, FVSU, CSU, MGSU and VSU.
Again THANK YOU Jerry Williamson for your knowledge and guidance because you gave Derrick hope. No words could explain my gratitude.
When my kids came to Rise Preparatory they were behind a grade. The school help them get on track with school and also with life goals. The school also went above and beyond to give the kids extra help. Mr. Jerry welcomed my kids with open arms. He wasn’t just their teacher he was also a mentor to all the kids. He made my kids experience one of positivity and growth. I would recommend this school to anyone who’s trying to get on track academically.
I am single parent of 2 kids (girl) (boy), my son was having a really difficult time in High school that affected him in sports & classroom…My son had been dealing with mental issues because his father died at a young age so for him Football was his outlet. When he enter into High School his coaches & teachers made promise and as a kid who don’t have a male figure for him he tried to make them happy because he looked up to them. At the end they neglected him which cause a mental breakdown which led to him quitting football lack of interest with school. I reached out to coaches, teachers & principal so because he was no longer an athlete they really didn’t try to help me…I reached out to Jerry via Facebook because I noticed he was active with kids on and off the field. And to my surprise he had a program to help kids that are not doing well potentially failing in High school. I started telling Jerry who also followed my son during his Optimist years my situation and that I needed help without hesitation Jerry request his records and call me and said the magic words “I can save your son and help him graduate” 2 years later my son had shown so much progress in his education he is now has a job and maintaining his grades with Rise Preparatory and I owe it all to Jerry Williamson.
Rise Preparatory Academy was instrumental in assisting my son with correcting the mistakes created by his public school registrar.
My son’s situation was not unique however he was an unintentional victim of what is wrong with how the school system changes can affect the very students it’s supposed to help.Jaleen was retained in kindergarten under the idea that it would benefit his future development being that we had never enrolled him in pre-kindergarten. The issue became a problem when Jaleen got the 3rd grade where he was was held back for not passing the FCAT.Fed up we enrolled Jaleen into private school where he thrived and after his 9th grade year he returned to Public School where he became a standout football player for Everglades Preparatory. It was his 11th grade year when it was discovered because of his age he would be ineligible to play his senior year of Highschool because of a rule change two years earlier.That’s when I meet Jerry Williamson of Rise Preparatory Academy. Jerry explained to my wife and I how his school worked and that Jaleen would be an ideal student and was exactly what motivated him to create Rise Academy.We agreed to enroll Jaleen and it was as Mr. Williamson promised his words where it ain’t gone be given but if he commits to the work we can get him to the next level academically and put him in a position for a scholarship.Jaleen not only committed he was able to accomplish all his requirements and graduated six months early. Jaleen was offered a scholarship to Quincy University in Quincy Illinois. While his friends where preparing for thier Senior year and prom Jaleen was entering and beginning his College debut as a early enrollee at Qunicy University.The story takes another twist a year into his college life Jaleen didn’t do so well and wasn’t focused needless to say he returned home for his summer break.Jerry doing what he has become known for checked up on his former student, convinced Jaleen to give it another semester then went to work on helping this young man again. It should be noted that Jaleen still had his original scholarship and had already graduated Rise Academy but Jerry knowing my son and working with me to understand exactly how he could help him be successful on the next level helped Jaleen find what would be the perfect fit for him.Jaleen was offered a another scholarship to play for Morningside College in Sioux City Iowa. Not only was this the right fit Jaleen has obtained a semester GPA of 3.5 and has officially played in his first college football game.Rise Preparatory Academy is an excellent place for students that are committed to completing their Highschool work and can work independently. Mr. Williamson also remains committed to his students even after graduation this is one of the many reasons we are proud Rise Preparatory Academy Parent for life.